Golden Oaks Nursing Home can currently house 60 residents in shared accommodation. Four single rooms are available for residents with special requirements.
Stage two was completed in June 2020 and included:
- construction of an additional 15-bed wing
- addition of ensuites
- renovated dining and serving area
- upgraded kitchen.
The stage two works formed part of an overall plan to redevelop the Golden Square aged care precinct.
Stage one was completed in 2018 by Bendigo Health. This stage included the creation of a large space linking Golden Oaks Nursing Home and Carshalton House Hostel. The shared facilities included a new lifestyle room with cinema, café, reception and office space. A nine-bed area for residents needing higher level care was also upgraded.
The Golden Oaks Nursing Home redevelopment project aimed to achieve the following benefits:
More single rooms
The new 15-bed wing converted the Golden Oaks Nursing Home from a largely double bed room facility to a majority single bed facility. With the addition of ensuites and a general refurbishment, the redeveloped nursing home offers improved privacy, dignity and independence.
Better dining and kitchen facilities
The renovated dining and serving area aimed to provide a pleasant space for residents to take their meals. With an upgrade to the kitchen, residents can enjoy fresh cooked food prepared onsite.
Jobs boost
The local community benefited from ten new jobs being created during the construction of phase two.
Largest program of its kind
The $490 million Regional Health Infrastructure Fund, which includes the Aged Care Regional Health Infrastructure Fund, is the largest grant program of its kind in Victorian history. It enables rural and regional public health and residential aged care services to invest in modern infrastructure and equipment. This supports the services to continue to provide safe and efficient care to local communities.
Funding for this project was administered by the Victorian Health and Human Services Building Authority through the Regional Health Infrastructure Fund.
The project was delivered by Bendigo Health in partnership with:
- Baade Harbour Architects
- Melcon Building Services.
Please note: As of 1 February 2021, the Victorian Health and Human Services Building Authority (VHHSBA) became the Victorian Health Building Authority (VHBA).

03 July 2020
New aged care wing opens at Golden Oaks Nursing Home in Bendigo
Bendigo's new 15-bed residential aged care wing at the Golden Oaks Nursing Home has officially opened, funded through the Regional Health Infrastructure Fund.
25 November 2019
Major upgrade works begin at Golden Oaks Nursing Home
Construction is now underway on the major upgrade of Golden Oaks Nursing Home in Bendigo.
28 May 2018
Upgrade to deliver better, safer aged care at the Golden Oaks Nursing Home
Bendigo residents looking for modern, high-quality aged care will welcome the Victorian Government's funding boost to revamp the Golden Oaks Nursing Home.Gallery

- Stoneham Street, Golden Square, Victoria, 3555, Australia
- Operated by: Bendigo Health
- (03) 5438 1400
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