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We work with organisations with specialist expertise in health service design and planning, architecture, engineering, construction and project management, property and asset management.

Our teams in planning and development, delivery and asset management approach the market on an ongoing basis to source:

  • construction works
  • construction services
  • professional advisory services.

We do not specify or procure furniture, fittings or equipment for Victorian health services and hospitals. The purchasing of these products and services is managed by Health Share Victoria.

How we invite organisations to supply

We buy works and services using an invitation to supply. Invitations to supply may be through:

Visit the Purchasing process page on Buying for Victoria’s website for more information about how government buys, and Victorian Government procurement guidelines and policies.

Don’t miss out on opportunities

Offers to supply including Expressions of Interest (EoI), a Request for Proposal, Quote or Tender (RFP, RFQ or RFT) and advanced notice of upcoming procurement for our projects are advertised on:

Visit the Browse tenders page on the Buying for Victoria website for more information about the Buying for Victoria Supplier Portal.

Closed tenders and request for quotes

To be eligible to participate in the closed competitive process, your business must be registered on a Victorian Government State Purchase Contract, panel or register. 

The State purchase contracts and registers page on the Buying for Victoria website is the best place to start to find the right contract, register or panel to list your business, including:

  • goods and services contracts (including the energy performance contract)
  • goods and services registers (including eServices and marketing services)
  • construction registers (including the Department of Treasury and Finance’s Construction Supplier Register)
  • social benefit suppliers (including social and disability enterprises).

The most common register we use is the Construction Supplier Register, managed by the Department of Treasury and Finance. You can find more information and helpful links in the Construction Supplier Register section below.

Keep your company information up-to-date

If you are registered on a State Purchase Contract, panel or register, remember to keep your company information up-to-date, including:

  • your contact details
  • completed projects
  • the category of work you are interested in.

This will ensure you appear in the right database searches.

More information on supplying to government

If you are new to supplying goods and services to government, visit the Supplying to government page on the Buying for Victoria website. This page offers more information on:

  • how to get known
  • the procurement process
  • how to submit a tender or quote.

Or contact the Industry Capability Network (ICN), an independent organisation financially supported by Australian and New Zealand state and territory governments. The Industry Capability Network matches businesses and contractors to relevant opportunities and projects.

If you are a supplier of construction services or construction works, to be eligible to participate in the closed competitive process for Victorian Government building and construction projects, you must be listed on the Victorian Government’s Construction Supplier Register.

Join the Construction Supplier Register

To join the Construction Supplier Register, you must prequalify and demonstrate your organisation has the necessary expertise, management systems and financial capacity to undertake works or construction related services for Victorian Government building and construction projects.

The Register includes two categories of suppliers:

You can apply for prequalification to the Construction Supplier Register any time.

Support with the Construction Supplier Register

The Construction Supplier Register is managed by the Department of Treasury and Finance.

Email the Construction Supplier Register team if you require support with your application.

Keep your company profile up-to-date

Remember to keep your company profile on the Construction Supplier Register up-to-date with the latest information about your business and your completed projects. Keeping your company profile up-to-date will ensure you appear in the right database searches on the Register.

Email the Construction Supplier Register team at the Department of Treasury and Finance if you require support updating your company profile.

We are committed to social procurement and making a positive difference to the lives of all Victorians. 

We encourage organisations to use their buying power to generate social value above and beyond the value of the goods, services, or construction being procured, and preference suppliers who can:

  • demonstrate value-for-money considerations that are not solely focused on price 
  • incorporate a balanced judgement on a range of financial and non-financial factors, such as enabling more jobs and training opportunities 
  • enable other social and sustainable outcomes. 

Victoria’s Social Procurement Framework is a whole-of-Government approach to generate social value above and beyond the value of the goods, services or construction procured.  

This framework helps government departments, agencies and businesses to demonstrate value-for-money considerations that are not solely focused on price.  

Preference is given to organisations that incorporate a balanced judgement on a range of financial and non-financial factors. Factors can include enabling more jobs for people who face barriers to employment, including: 

  • Aboriginal people 
  • long-term job seekers 
  • at-risk women 
  • victims and survivors of family violence 
  • people with a disability  
  • young Victorians.  

Organisations that demonstrate other social and sustainable outcomes are also preferred.

Visit the Social Procurement Framework page on the Buying for Victoria website for more information.

The Victorian Government is the largest procurer of goods, services and construction works in the state, helping to develop local industries, create jobs and boost economic activity across Victoria.

The Victorian Government’s Local Jobs First initiative ensures that local projects create opportunities for Victorian businesses and workers.

The initiative includes the:

  • the Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP)
  • Major Projects Skills Guarantee.

Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP) 

The Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP) is an industry development policy that helps ensure competitive local businesses are provided with opportunities to supply into Victorian government projects.

The VIPP must be applied by all Victorian government departments and agencies for any type of project with a value of:

  • $1 million or more in regional Victoria, or
  • $3 million or more in metropolitan Melbourne or for state-wide activities.

Minimum local content requirements are set for government projects worth $50 million or more, or for other projects as agreed.

This helps ensure that local businesses are given full and fair opportunity to compete for Victorian government contracts.

Major Projects Skills Guarantee

The Major Project Skills Guarantee (MPSG) policy helps create opportunities for Victorian apprentices, trainees and cadets to work on some of Victoria's biggest building and infrastructure projects.

Under the MPSG, all construction projects valued at or over $20 million are required to use Victorian apprentices, trainees or cadets for at least 10 per cent of the total estimated labour hours.

The MPSG ensures that young Victorians benefit directly from the major infrastructure projects being undertaken in our state and ensures that we continue to grow the next generation of skilled workers in Victoria.

Visit the Local Jobs First website for more information and guidelines.

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Last updated: 30 November 2022