Grampians Prevention and Recovery Care centre opening – video
Image: approaching view to new PARC entrance, followed by rising aerial shot of the completed facility.
Text on screen: A new 12-bed facility has opened in Ballarat to support people experiencing mental illness
Image: view of garden, then interior courtyard with table setting, then a refurbished lounge room from the old building re-purposed for use in the new facility
The $6 million Grampians prevention and recovery care centre is one of 20 across Victoria
It provides short-term treatment and support in a home-like setting
Image: view of the expansive new kitchen and dining area, then a corner roof detail seen through the branches of a tree
The new facility provides early intervention for people who are unwell or recovering from hospital treatment
Image: view of bedroom, then view from dining area to outdoor setting.
We call this a ‘step-up or step-down’ service
The program is part of a $325.7 million investment in mental health services
Image: old building, then a ‘drive by’ shot of the old and new buildings side by side.
Better care for Victorians, wherever they live.
Images: The closing slide is the Victorian Health and Human Services Building Authority logo, the web address and the Victoria State Government logo.
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