Healesville Hospital and Yarra Valley Health - video
Opening screen displays Victorian Health and Human Services and Victoria State Government logos
IMAGES: Front entrance of new facility, Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags
Michelle Fleming, Community Health Manager Easter Health: We’ve got everybody, all our services on the one site, so it’s much easier for the community.
IMAGES: Clients in waiting room, staff at work stations, allied health worker with patient on exercise bike, staff in library/kitchen area.
Michelle Fleming: All our staff are together as well, so they can work in a much more multi-disciplinary way. I’m very proud of the outcome, it’s wonderful for the community.
Text on screen: Welcome to Healesville Hospital and Yarra Valley Health: Our redevelopment.
IMAGES: Paul Leyden and Michelle Fleming pictured in various sites within the facility, signs to renal dialysis and wards at reception area
Paul Leyden, Site Director: I think it would be fair to say that the building before it was redeveloped was in need of a refurbishment. That was the feedback from the community
Michelle Fleming, Community Health Manager Easter Health: It was a little bit old and tired and also we were spread out across the site. For our clients it was a little bit difficult to know where to come to receive their care.
IMAGES: patients in new renal dialysis section, new operating theatre
Paul Leyden: Through consultation with the department an $8.8 million package of works was made to upgrade the facilities here. It’s a fantastic opportunity to bring together a range of clinical services on the one site. The transformation has seen the implementation of a brand new renal dialysis service and the development of a new theatre complex.
IMAGES: a staff member with patient, new reception and waiting room areas, mother with child in paediatric section, child on paediatric bed
Jo Mapes, Director of Nursing: The ward has been redeveloped. We’ve now got single and double room all with ensuite bathroom facilities… a beautiful waiting room where they can all get together with people they know… more cohesion across the journey of care for patients and new facilities like the paediatric gym, paediatric dedicated designed spaces…
IMAGES: panoramic view of the facility frontage, renal dialysis unit with staff and patients
Michelle Fleming: Everything they need for their health is here on site.
Jo Mapes: The local community right in the outer east have always had to travel to Maroondah or Box Hill for particular treatments and services. Renal dialysis is a whole new feature for the site, as well as being able to manage patients in the hospital here who otherwise would have had to go to the emergency department or have longer stays in hospital away from their families.
IMAGES: a renal dialysis unit patient is speaking from his treatment chair
Renal dialysis patient: I spend more time with my wife a t home. It’s really convenient, it’s absolutely good stuff. I really enjoy it.
IMAGES: staff working in staff lounge/kitchen area, at reception desk, and attending to a patient in the ward
Paul Leyden: When you close down a facility for a capital refurbishment a key aspect is how you support your staff.
Jo Mapes: The ward staff were all redeployed to other teams in Eastern Health. They were able to upskill, they’ve been working in different specialties. They’ve been able to come back to Healesville with a much more expanded scope of practice and a new skill set.
Michelle Fleming: Many of the services did have to stay on site during the construction process – our staff were absolute troopers getting through it and we made sure they were informed every step of the way. I think they’ll be able to say to everybody it was absolutely worth it in the end. They love being all together on site, seeing everybody they know and being able to work together to provide the best care.
Paul Leyden: There’s no doubt the future for Healesville is onwards and upwards. We continue to look at opportunities to grow surgery and bolster the specialist clinic.
IMAGES: Montage of different service areas within the new facility, and smiling staff members conversing
Jo Mapes: We’ve got this great new facility, we’ve got potential to offer more services, we’ve got a great team of staff.
Michelle Fleming: People are calling me up and telling me personally how happy they are.
Paul Leyden: The local community can really engage and have a lot of faith and value in their local health service.
Jo Mapes: We’re growing into the future.
A sliding transition screen then displays the Victorian Government logo and Health and Human Services Building Authority logo and web address vhhsba.vic.gov.au
End of transcript.