Increasing bed capacity for COVID-19 patients | Health Technical Advice
The purpose of this Health Technical Advice (HTA-2020-003) is to provide guidance to health agencies on infrastructure works and equipment provision that may be required to expand critical care capacity within existing hospital facilities to treat COVID-19 patients.
This document is to be read in conjunction with local ICU pandemic plans as developed by all healthcare organisations.
This HTA does not take the place of any applicable regulatory requirements such as building codes or Australian Standards and is intended to inform preparation and planning activities in response to increasing bed capacity for COVID-19.
This Health Technical Advice includes:
- Introduction
- Identify areas to provide additional capacity
- Overview
- Infection control
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
- Fire risk assessment
- Electrical supply
- Waste management
- Allow for appropriate bed-side clinical services
- Medical service panels
- Maintaining an adequate oxygen supply
- Deliver the works
- Procurement and delivery of works
- Procurement of equipment and supplies
- Exit strategy
- References and bibliography
- COVID-19 medical services panel layout
- Intensive care unit bed medical services panel
- COVID-19 patient bed medical services panel
- In-patient unit bed medical services panel
- Sub-acute bed medical
- COVID-19 medical services panel layout
Please note: This document has been prepared as a guide and for information purposes only. No legal obligation for any loss, damage or expense is incurred by any person relying on the information provided.
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