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Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Facilities Renewal Fund

The Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Facilities Renewal Fund (MHAODFRF) is valued at $64.1 million overall. It provides Victorian Government funding to improve the quality and safety of public mental health and alcohol and other drug facilities.

Established in 2015, the fund provides grants for renewal, reconfigurations and refurbishments of acute and community based mental health facilities.

The key objectives of the fund include:

  • increase service capacity
  • deliver contemporary models of care
  • improve consumer and staff amenity
  • increase the effectiveness and efficiency of services
  • provide a safe working environment for consumers and staff.









Submissions to the Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug Facilities Renewal Fund grants are available to eligible applicants for:

  • construction works - including remodeling and refurbishment projects to address aged building fabric, compliance and demand issues
  • non construction items - including equipment such as standalone furniture, fittings, medical equipment, engineering infrastructure and plant
  • information and communications technology
  • new technologies - including systems to reduce usage and increase efficiencies of power and/or water.

The Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug Facilities Renewal Fund aims to achieve the following benefits:

Support growing demand

Upgrades to clinical services and increased capacity ensure local communities can access the treatment they need when they need it. Greater flexibility in delivering support it will also reduce the number of crisis situations and flow on to emergency services.

Improved patient outcomes

Modern facilities and equipment will support the delivery of enhanced and contemporary models of care, improving patient outcomes and wellbeing.

Enhanced working environment

Improvements and upgrades to existing working areas for staff and medical professionals will ensure they can continue to provide high quality care in a safe environment.

Stronger local economies

Construction and upgrades of public health care services provide opportunities for local trades and businesses to undertake project-based work, contributing to the economic viability of Victorian communities.

The expansion of public health care services can also provide ongoing employment opportunities for medical and healthcare professionals and create employment pathways for younger generations.

Applications for the 2020-21 Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Facilities Renewal Fund opened on Thursday 3 June 2021 and closed on Monday 19 July 2021. Recipients were announced in June 2022.

Need help?

For help and information about the funding program email mhfrf@health.vic.gov.au.

More information

Additional documentation to guide and support your applications can be found here:

Projects funded through the Victorian Government’s Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug Facilities Renewal Fund are administered by the Victorian Health Building Authority and delivered by the public funded health service provider.

Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Facilities Renewal Fund projects

Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Facilities Renewal Fund projects

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Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Facilities Renewal Fund projects

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