The Thomas Embling Hospital expansion project will deliver:
- a dedicated 34-bed women’s precinct
- a 48-bed medium security men’s facility
- a new entry complex
- clinical administration facilities
- additional carparking.
As the largest ever investment in Thomas Embling Hospital, the project will play a critical role in reforming the way forensic mental health services are delivered across the mental health system.
This includes:
- reducing waiting times for specialist mental health services for Victorians involved in the justice system, or who are at high risk of offending
- improving access to forensic mental health services in a secure, therapeutic and rehabilitation focused environment
- improving access and the quality of facilities for women who have often experienced extensive trauma and family violence.
Frequently asked questions
What services does Thomas Embling Hospital deliver?
Thomas Embling Hospital is a secure forensic mental health hospital. The hospital provides care and treatment for people living with a serious mental illness who are involved in the justice system. The hospital has some responsibility to also provide treatment for those at risk of entering the justice system.
The hospital opened in 2000 in Fairfield and is operated by Forensicare. It was purpose-designed and built to further the delivery of advanced clinical programs in the treatment of patients suffering from acute mental health issues.
Why is Thomas Embling Hospital being expanded?
The expansion project is in response to critical bed shortages and key recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.
The upgrade aims to:
- reduce wait times for mental health assessment and treatment for all consumer types
- support the rehabilitation and recovery of patients in a safe and therapeutic environment
- reduce incidents of mental health deterioration and self-harm
- increase access to services for female patients
- enable appropriate access to persons at risk of entering the justice system.
How much is being invested?
The Victorian Government is investing $515.7 million to expand the Thomas Embling Hospital. This includes the delivery of Stages 1 and 2 of the project and planning for Stage 3.
What is the breakdown of funding for each stage?
In May 2021, the Victorian Government announced $349.6 million for Stage 1 of the Thomas Embling Hospital expansion. The first stage of the project is delivering a dedicated 34-bed women's precinct, 48-bed medium security men's facility, administration facilities and carparking.
In May 2022, the Victorian Government announced a further $123.9 million to deliver Stage 2 of the project. The second stage of the project is delivering a new entry complex and a new woodwork, horticulture and maintenance building.
As part of the 2023-24 State Budget, the project received a further $53.2 million to plan and design a new 48-bed men's high security unit, and deliver unit refurbishments and additional multi-deck carparking – bringing the project's total to $515.7 million.
Who is delivering the project?
The Thomas Embling Hospital expansion project is being delivered by the Victorian Health Building Authority (VHBA) in partnership with Forensicare.
Has the builder been appointed?
Yes. John Holland has been appointed to build Stage 1 and 2 of the Thomas Embling Hospital expansion project.
How many construction jobs will the project create?
The project is expected to create and sustain around 750 construction jobs as part of construction of Stages 1 and 2.
What will the Thomas Embling Hospital expansion project deliver?
Stages 1 and 2 of the Thomas Embling Hospital expansion will deliver:
- a dedicated 34-bed women’s precinct
- a 48-bed medium security men’s facility
- a new entry complex
- onsite carparking
- clinical administration facilities.
What will the new hospital look like?
Artist impressions have been released for the upgraded hospital. The facility has been designed to be secure, contemporary and recovery-focused. It will have the flexibility to adapt to the changing needs of clinicians, consumers, carers, families and supporters.
Why is co-design an important element in this project?
The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System found the perspectives and experiences of people with lived experience of mental illness or psychological distress are often overlooked when new mental health facilities are being designed.
Power imbalances throughout the system mean that the experiences, perspectives, and expertise of people with lived experience of mental illness or psychological distress (including consumers, carers, families, supporters and clinicians) are often not valued or recognised.
To this end, the Royal Commission also recommended people with lived experiences be involved in meaningfully co-designing future mental health facilities.
How has co-design helped to shape the planning and design?
The project team undertook a comprehensive co-design and engagement process to ensure people with lived experience of mental ill-health could help shape the planning and design of the upgraded Thomas Embling Hospital. This included patients, carers, staff and researchers.
When will construction on the expansion project start?
Construction on Stages 1 and 2 of the expansion are underway. These works are progressively due for completion from 2024 to mid-2025.
Why is a temporary carpark required?
While construction on the Thomas Embling Hospital upgrade is taking place, there will be a loss of existing carparking on site.
Carparking is crucial to continued operations of this service, due to proximity to public transport and the number of shift workers on site. Therefore, a temporary carparking space is required for the duration of the project.
Fairlea East Oval, adjacent to the site, was identified as a viable location for temporary carparking after comprehensive assessments of alternate options. This will ensure the safety of staff, continued operations of the hospital and the protection of surrounding parklands that have heritage and cultural significance.
Once the expansion project is complete, an enhanced, safer and more usable Fairlea East Oval will be available for the community and sporting groups. A pedestrian footpath, permanent lighting, reoriented cricket pitch and additional permanent parking will be established and funded by the project.
Will there be impacts from construction?
While construction is taking place there may be some impacts including increased vehicle and people movement in the area, and localised noise and dust. These impacts will be regularly monitored and minimised wherever possible.
All works will be carried out in strict accordance with approved Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and council guidelines and within approved construction work hours.
Will there be any impacts on flora and fauna?
Wildlife assessments and arborists reports were conducted when assessing the suitability of the site.
Works have been planned to minimise impacts on the environment, however removal of some trees and vegetation was required to clear the site for major construction. This included the area between Yarra Bend Road and the hospital’s existing carpark.
Trees and vegetation were removed in accordance with authority conditions, and under the direction of a qualified arborist.
How will the community be kept updated on the project?
The local community will be provided with ongoing information on the proposed works. You can also stay up-to-date via this project page.
Any questions or requests for information about the project can be directed to the VHBA at vhba@health.vic.gov.au.
This project is being delivered by the Victorian Health Building Authority in partnership with:
- Forensicare
- Guymer Bailey Architects
- John Holland (builder)
- AECOM (Engineering).

13 January 2025
Thomas Embling Hospital expansion taking shape
The $515.7 million expansion is on track, with the Main Entrance Building opened and the new women’s precinct and medium security men’s facility taking shape.
21 July 2023
New designs released for Thomas Embling Hospital upgrade
Take a look at the latest artist impressions for the $515.7 million redevelopment of the Thomas Embling Hospital in Fairfield.
27 October 2022
Thomas Embling Hospital expansion: Co-design and engagement report
View the results from the co-design and engagement process which will inform the design of stage 1 of the Thomas Embling Hospital expansion project.
27 October 2022
Designs released and builder appointed for Thomas Embling Hospital upgrade
We’ve released designs and appointed a builder for the Thomas Embling Hospital expansion.
02 March 2022
The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System – one year on
We’ve made significant progress on a number of the infrastructure projects highlighted in the Royal Commission report.
05 August 2021
Design team appointed for forensic mental health expansion
Guymer Bailey Architects and Aecom (Engineering) have been appointed to deliver a major upgrade of forensic mental health services at the Thomas Embling Hospital.Gallery

- 201 Yarra Bend Road, Fairfield, Victoria, 3078, Australia
- Operated by: Forensicare
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