Text on screen: Ballarat Base Hospital’s six-storey central energy plant and support services building has ‘topped out’
Images: Aerial view of the hospital amongst its surrounding suburbs, followed by time lapse footage of the central energy plant and support services building under construction
Text on screen: Once complete, the new building will supply power, heating and cooling to the hospital and house a state-of-the-art pharmacy, pathology services and an education and learning centre
Images: time lapse footage of construction work on the final level of the new building followed by an aerial view of Ballarat seen from Lake Wendouree
Text on screen: A builder has been appointed to deliver the next stage of the redevelopment, with main works starting soon
Images: artist impressions of the future hospital redevelopment seen from the carpark and of the main entrance
Text on screen: The redevelopment will deliver a new multi-level hospital tower, new emergency department, more beds and more theatres
Images: sweeping aerial view of the hospital, followed by an artist impression of the future redevelopment
Text on screen: Your bigger and better Ballarat Base Hospital is on track to be completed in 2027
Images: an aerial view of Ballarat seen from Lake Wendouree
Images: A sliding transition screen then displays the Victorian Health Building Authority and Victoria State Government logos and the URL vhba.vic.gov.au
End of transcript.