[Text on screen: The new multi-million-dollar Early Parenting Centre in Bendigo is complete]
[Images: Aerial views of the centre]
[Text on screen: Have a look inside]
[Images: A montage showing various shots of the interior rooms]
[Text on screen: The new facility will provide expert advice to parents experiencing challenges with sleep, settling and feeding, plus extra care for babies and toddlers with additional needs]
[Images: A montage showing various shots of the interior rooms]
[Text on screen: There are 10 home-stay family units and four day-stay places]
[Images: Footage of the bedroom and bathroom facilities in the centre]
[Text on screen: Kitchen and dining areas, playrooms and outdoor play areas]
[Images: Footage of the kitchen, dining and play facilities]
[Text on screen: All designed to feel like a home away from home]
[Images: Views of the garden]
[Text on screen: New parents will have the specialised support they need, closer to home]
[Images: The exterior of the entrance; aerial views of the centre]
[Images: A sliding transition screen displays the Victorian Health Building Authority and Victoria State Government logos and the URL vhba.vic.gov.au]
[End of transcript]