[Text on screen: Construction of the new Regional Logistics Distribution Centre (RLDC) in Warrnambool is now complete]
[Images: Sweeping aerial views of the new centre amongst its surrounding suburbs]
[Text on screen: The RLDC features state-of-the-art robotic warehousing technology]
[Images: A mechanised production line inside the new facility, followed by large red signage 'Robot Entry Area']
[Text on screen: which will streamline the distribution of healthcare supplies and linen across western Victoria]
[Images: Montage of different aspects of the facility, including hundreds of delivery containers, machinery, production line and another aerial view of the facility]
[Text on screen: Site preparations are now underway for the next stage of the Warrnambool Base Hospital redevelopment]
[Images: Aerial view of the current Warrnambool Base Hospital]
[Text on screen: with a builder appointed for early works]
[Images: View of the foreshore of Warrnambool's main beach]
[Text on screen: The redevelopment will deliver a new multi-storey clinical services building]
[Images: View of Lake Pertobe]
[Text on screen: with more beds, more theatres and a bigger emergency department]
[Images: Wide aerial view of hospital and surrounding suburbs]
[Text on screen: Your bigger, better Warrnambool Base Hospital is on track to be finished in 2027]
[Images: Aerial view of hospital entrance followed by aerial of main beach foreshore]
[Images: Screen with 'In partnership with South West Healthcare (logo) and Hansen Yuncken (logo)']
[Images: A sliding transition screen then displays the Victorian Health Building Authority and Victoria State Government logos and the url vhba.vic.gov.au]
[End of transcript]