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Hospitals 14 April 2021

Frankston Hospital redevelopment: Community consultation report

The Victorian Government is providing $562 million to deliver a significant redevelopment and expansion of Frankston Hospital.

The redevelopment will transform services at the hospital – creating hundreds of new jobs and providing local families with access to world-class healthcare facilities, close to home.

Construction of a multi-level tower will deliver a new main entrance, capacity for 120 additional beds, new operating theatres and dedicated areas for enhanced mental health and oncology services.

With more families choosing to make Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula home, the redevelopment will also deliver expanded women’s and children’s services: allowing Peninsula Health to provide exceptional care for generations to come.

This is a summary of the community engagement survey report findings which you can also view in PDF format.

A bigger, better hospital

The Frankston Hospital redevelopment will bring together healthcare services from across the existing hospital campus to provide seamless care to patients and expand service capability.

The redevelopment will deliver:

  • a new multi-level clinical services tower and main entrance
  • capacity for 120 additional beds
  • the consolidation of medical and surgical wards into a single multidisciplinary zone
  • dedicated and enhanced mental health services
  • additional operating theatres and upgraded short stay emergency department beds
  • expanded women’s and children’s services, including new maternity, obstetrics and paediatric wards, a women’s clinic and a special care nursery
  • improved oncology services
  • additional carparking.

Design, construction and operation

Construction of the Frankston Hospital redevelopment is expected to start in 2022, with the redeveloped hospital scheduled to be completed in 2025.

The redevelopment will be delivered as a public private partnership (PPP), which involves bringing together a private consortium to design, construct, finance and maintain the newly redeveloped hospital.

Frankston Hospital will continue to be a public hospital, with Peninsula Health providing all clinical healthcare services.

Purpose of this report

The Victorian Health Building Authority (VHBA), together with Peninsula Health, is committed to providing the local community, including patients, visitors, staff and volunteers at Frankston Hospital, with meaningful opportunities to provide input into this significant redevelopment.

The purpose of this report is to:

  • provide an overview of the work undertaken to date to consult the community on the project
  • provide a summary of what we’ve heard from the community.

This report has been provided to the respondents shortlisted to deliver the redevelopment, with the opportunity for community feedback to be reflected in their proposals for the new facility.

Through understanding the views and aspirations of the local community, the successful consortium will have the best opportunity to design and build a hospital for Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula that reflects the community it serves.

On this page:

" " Community engagement

" " How we engaged

" " Engagement timeline

" " What we heard

" " What we're doing next

" " Conclusion

Community engagement

The Victorian Government values the input of local communities and is committed to providing meaningful opportunities and regular updates so the community can have their say and stay informed as the redevelopment progresses.


The primary objectives for engagement were to:

  • raise awareness of the redevelopment, including scope and timelines
  • provide opportunities for community members to participate in consultation and to have their say
  • capture a cross-section of community input to contribute to a shared vision for the redevelopment
  • better understand impacts on the community and any concerns relating to the redevelopment.

The community’s influence

The consultation process has sought and considered feedback on a range of topics relating to the redevelopment, including the prioritisation of healthcare services, the use of public spaces and amenities, cultural safety and the vision and aspirations of the community.

The input captured in this report has been shared with shortlisted respondents for consideration as they develop their proposals.

Consultation and COVID-19

In response to COVID-19 restrictions, the VHBA developed an engagement approach that utilised online consultation methods to provide opportunities for members of the public to contribute.

This engagement included activity to:

Inform the community on project milestones and opportunities to contribute through social media campaigns, print advertising and website and media updates

Consult with the community through online surveys and consultations on Engage Victoria

Collaborate with key stakeholder groups such as Aboriginal health representatives, people with lived experience of mental illness and Peninsula Health volunteers through online workshops.

Communications and Engagement Working Group

A joint VHBA and Peninsula Health Communication and Engagement Working Group was established as part of the governance structure for the Frankston Hospital redevelopment. This group is responsible for the coordination, development and management of communications and engagement activities for the project.

How we engaged

The VHBA, alongside Peninsula Health, developed a specialised approach to engagement during COVID-19 restrictions – sharing updates with the community through targeted social media and leading public consultation through online platform Engage Victoria. Over 580 contributions were captured to help inform early planning of the redevelopment.

Activity included:

  • functional brief user groups to bring together staff from relevant departments and healthcare users to identify the functional needs of the new facilities
  • community survey on Engage Victoria with a focus on healthcare services and other facilities important to the community
  • online consultation on Engage Victoria seeking more specific feedback on key spaces in the redevelopment
  • individually tailored consultation sessions: one with Aboriginal health representatives, one with people with lived experience of mental illness and one with Peninsula Health volunteers
  • targeted social media campaigns and print advertising to keep the community informed of progress and promote opportunities for input
  • promotional support from Peninsula Health, Frankston City Council, Mornington Peninsula Shire and local members for Frankston and Carrum
  • online staff forums and fact sheets for Peninsula Health staff
  • regular email newsletters to about 100 community members who subscribed for project updates.

Community survey

The VHBA led a community survey on Engage Victoria, from 18 August to 14 September 2020, to gain a better understanding of the community’s priorities on healthcare services and additional facilities at Frankston Hospital. The community was also asked to share their aspirations for the redevelopment.

The VHBA received 335 completed surveys, including 564 individual comments.

Online consultation

A second round of consultation held on Engage Victoria ran from 30 November to 21 December 2020. Building on feedback received in the community survey, this consultation provided an opportunity to further explore ideas and priorities relating to some of the key spaces in the redevelopment.

Participants were asked to consider:

  • indoor spaces (such as waiting areas and family lounges)
  • outdoor spaces and how they are used
  • wayfinding and accessibility
  • the look and feel of the redevelopment.

The VHBA received 241 contributions from 128 participants.

Online workshops

To support the findings of the community survey and online consultation, the VHBA and Peninsula Health held online consultation sessions with:

  • Aboriginal health representatives, including Aunty Helen Bnads, the Koolin Balit Coordinator at Peninsula Health
  • people with lived experience of mental illness and
  • Peninsula Health volunteers.

The purpose of these sessions was to capture specific input around the theme: a Frankston Hospital that is accessible, inclusive and welcoming.

Participants explored detailed ideas and priorities relating to key indoor and outdoor spaces, wayfinding and accessibility; with areas of discussion including cultural safety and creating safe and welcoming environments for patients, staff and visitors.

Input from these sessions will support the findings from the functional brief user groups and ensure a wide range of views and experiences are represented.

Engagement timeline

June – December 2020

  • Functional brief user groups and user engagement processes are held

August 2020

  • Social media campaign to launch community consultation

September 2020

  • Invitation for Expressions of Interest released Project update newsletter
  • Information sheets are distributed to Peninsula Health staff

November 2020

  • Community survey report is published on Engage Victoria
  • Second online consultation launches on Engage Victoria

December 2020

  • $562 million funding is confirmed in 2020-21 state budget
  • Project update newsletter

January 2021

  • Three consortia are shortlisted to deliver the redevelopment
  • Peninsula Health staff forum

February 2021

  • Online workshop 1
  • Online workshop 2
  • Online workshop 3

April 2021

  • Community consultation report: a bigger, better hospital for Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula is published

What we heard

Community vision - Vision and aspirations

The redevelopment of Frankston Hospital will provide the Frankston and Mornington Peninsula community with world-class healthcare facilities, closer to home. Throughout the consultation process, the local community shared its aspirations and hopes for a new and improved Frankston Hospital that will meet the needs of the community, now and into the future.

The community’s vision:

  • a hospital the community can be proud of
  • a hospital that is accessible, welcoming and inclusive
  • a modern and sustainable development that has a community feel
  • careful consideration of spaces to ensure patients and families feel safe and respected
  • a holistic approach to patient experiences to promote both physical and mental healing and wellbeing
  • connection to outdoor spaces and the coastal landscape
  • facilities that are flexible and can meet the changing needs of the community for decades to come.

Community feedback on services

The community survey provided a high-level understanding of the community’s priorities relating to healthcare and additional services. A cross-section of views are set out below.

What we heard:

Healthcare services

The following healthcare services were considered the highest priority:

  • emergency treatment
  • access to specialists
  • access to elective surgery
  • medical imaging/other specialist services
  • mental health
  • children’s health
  • palliative care.

Additional services and amenities

The following additional services and amenities were considered most important:

  • car parking
  • comfortable waiting areas
  • clear wayfinding and signage
  • spaces for families
  • free wi-fi and charging stations
  • green spaces.

The community would also like to see:

  • accessible gardens
  • newsagent, postal, banking services
  • cafés and restaurants, including healthy options
  • florist
  • other public services (such as a library or gym)
  • childcare
  • other retail options
  • cultural/spiritual spaces.

“Parking and the general layout of the hospital is very confusing, especially knowing which entrance is which. Better signage and maps to show you where to go are a must.”

Community feedback on experiences

The VHBA also asked the community to share its experiences of Frankston Hospital – specifically what community members liked about the hospital and what they thought could be improved.

What we heard:

What the community liked

Of those who responded, the most common answers related to:

  • it’s close to home, with a community feel
  • kind, supportive and knowledgeable staff
  • high quality levels of care
  • the new emergency department.

What could be improved

Of those who responded, the most common answers related to:

  • free or cheaper car parking – and more of it
  • shorter wait times in emergency and for specialist appointments
  • clearer layout and improved wayfinding and signage
  • improved access to the hospital from the car park – especially for people with low mobility
  • an increase in children’s services, including adolescent mental health
  • improved maternity services
  • improved mental health services and support, including community outreach.

“It would be nice for any development to be able to bring a sense of purpose to the layout and prepare for even further developments into the future.”

Community feedback on key spaces

Throughout the consultation process, the VHBA received hundreds of comments and suggestions relating to key spaces in the redevelopment.

In addition to general feedback, the community was asked for specific input on:

  • indoor spaces (such as waiting areas and family lounges)
  • outdoor spaces and how they are used
  • wayfinding and accessibility
  • the look and feel of the redevelopment.

What we heard:

Indoor spaces

When spending time in a waiting area or family lounge, it would help people to feel more comfortable if they:

  • are able to use their personal devices (phones and tablets)
  • have access to food and drinks
  • have some personal space
  • can see a calming view
  • have space to meet their extended family
  • can entertain their children.

The community would also like to see:

  • lots of natural light
  • connection to outdoor spaces
  • a sense of cohesion between different parts of the hospital
  • a less clinical ‘look and feel’ where possible
  • calming colours that reflect the coastal landscape
  • artworks from local and Aboriginal artists
  • increased privacy for patients
  • separate pathways through the hospital so patients aren’t moved in front of visitors
  • ready access to bathrooms, including breastfeeding and changing facilities
  • quiet spaces for reflection
  • clear consideration of social distancing standards
  • sustainable practices such as recycling, use of green materials.

Outdoor spaces

When spending time outdoors at Frankston Hospital, people would like to be able to:

  • get some fresh air
  • spend time in nature, enjoying the flora and fauna
  • have something to eat or drink
  • catch up with family and friends
  • listen to a water feature
  • keep their children entertained

The community would also like:

  • safe and easy access to nearby public spaces such as the George Pentland Gardens and Beauty Park
  • a variety of plants, trees and flowers
  • native flora and fauna
  • an indigenous-themed garden
  • a sensory garden for patients with special needs
  • areas specifically for children
  • space to be active/exercise
  • plenty of shade and all-weather areas
  • access to balconies or roof terraces
  • covered and well-lit pathways.

Wayfinding – inside the hospital

A lot of people shared how difficult and stressful it can be to find their way around Frankston Hospital. People told us it would be easier if there was:

  • clear signage that is intuitive and simple to follow
  • visual elements, such as icons or colour-coded paths
  • a person there to help them
  • information kiosks at different points throughout the hospital.

The community would also like:

  • clearer signage inside lifts
  • places to sit/rest throughout the hospital for people with reduced mobility
  • consistent information on the hospital website
  • consideration for linguistically diverse patients and visitors.

Arriving at/departing the hospital

We also heard it would be easier and safer to walk from the car park to the main entrance/ emergency department if there was:

  • car parking close to the new entry for people with mobility issues (disabled, elderly and parents of young children)
  • a flat and accessible route into the hospital (no steps up or down)
  • a drop-off and pick-up zone that doesn’t require crossing a road.

The community would also like to see:

  • more affordable car parking
  • clearly lit pathways
  • better protection from the weather
  • places to sit/rest for people with low mobility
  • clear external signage, especially at entrances/exits
  • safe and easy pedestrian connections to surrounding streets
  • improved public transport links.


Based on information provided in response to the community survey, respondents indicated that the most common way to travel to Frankston Hospital is by car (driving or as a passenger):

  • 88% travel by car
  • 4% walk
  • 3% arrive by ambulance
  • 2% take public transport
  • 2% catch a taxi
  • 1% use a rideshare service

Although only two per cent of people said they travel by public transport, 12 per cent indicated this was their preferred option. The most common barriers stopping people from choosing public transport were:

  • lack of direct routes/having to change between routes
  • lack of bus routes/bus service frequency
  • distance of bus stop from hospital entrance
  • difficulty reaching hospital from Frankston train station.

“It is well documented that nature plays a large role in the wellbeing of people. The redevelopment of Frankston Hospital should incorporate garden areas, outdoor spaces and natural light into the design. The opportunity for patients, visitors and hospital staff to breathe some fresh air, feel or see the sunshine and to be within or view a beautiful landscape setting would benefit everyone.”

Cultural safety

On average, 200 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients present at Peninsula Health sites each month. The VHBA sought input and advice on cultural safety and reconciliation through consultation with Aboriginal health representatives.

Aunty Helen Bnads shared her experiences supporting Aboriginal patients and their families, along with feedback she has heard through engagement with local Elders and communities.

What we heard:

Indoor spaces

  • display of flags or plaques at entrances (and desk flags on public reception desks) to acknowledge traditional owners of the land
  • incorporate traditional storytelling into the built environment (i.e. totems, murals, floor tiles, interpretive displays)
  • display artworks by local Aboriginal artists (including support for The Torch program – an arts program for Indigenous offenders and ex-offenders)
  • quiet and meditative spaces for reflection
  • space where large/extended families can come together
  • access to tea/coffee/water in waiting areas/before leaving the hospital
  • spiritual centre (multi-faith chapel) for the use of all people who visit the hospital, including visible signs of reconciliation
  • consideration for traditional ceremonies, including palliative care needs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients
  • approaches that are integrated not tokenistic.


  • visual wayfinding elements (such as pathways, footsteps)
  • incorporating stories of the land/an interactive journey through the hospital
  • dedicated space close to the entrance for volunteers to welcome people and provide directions/assistance
  • Aboriginal names for new wards/areas
  • consider audio elements for those who can’t rely on visual wayfinding
  • clear signage from entrance to Aboriginal gardens.

Considerations for mental health

The VHBA sought specific input on key spaces in the redevelopment with a dedicated consultation session with people with lived experience of mental illness. We heard valuable insights into the patient and carer journey at Frankston Hospital – and feedback on how those experiences could be made safer and more welcoming through simple design and operational considerations.

What we heard:

Indoor spaces (inpatient)

  • clear signage using non-stigmatising language (focus on mental health and wellbeing rather than ‘psychiatric’)
  • a clearly defined reception/welcome area where visitors and carers can wait to enter/be let in
  • clear signage/someone there to help alert staff members to visitor arrivals/departures
  • less of a clinical ‘look and feel’ and a focus on home comforts
  • calming, safe and quiet spaces (reduction of hospital noise)
  • welcoming lounge space
  • simple and functional design
  • natural light and calming views
  • soothing artworks (no heavy abstracts)
  • single bedrooms with adjoining bathroom (no time limits on showers)
  • places to store personal belongings (where safe)
  • lighting optimised for sleep
  • ability to charge devices (USB)
  • avoid spaces where patients can see staff through glass but are unable to speak to or access them
  • dedicated spaces for clinical assessments and meeting rooms where carers and families can meet with treating team/staff.


  • a focus on holistic wellbeing and spaces to facilitate this (such as art rooms, social spaces, spaces for exercise classes)
  • adequate refrigerators and freezers to store patient food
  • facilities to do laundry
  • access to quality exercise equipment (indoor and outdoor)
  • television area available, but not dominating social spaces
  • access to a kitchen where patients can prepare food/participate in food preparation classes
  • a clothing support service where patients can access free clean clothes (see Keith’s Closet at Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney for example)
  • access to computers/tablets.

Outdoor spaces

  • ready access to open air spaces (such as roof terraces) that are safe and secure
  • spaces for patients to spend time with visitors or alone
  • spaces for exercise and passive relaxation
  • soothing water feature
  • vegetable garden.

Arriving at/departing the hospital

  • separate triage for mental health patients
  • quiet and private waiting/assessment areas
  • a private pathway through the hospital for patients who are checking out/on leave, so they don’t have to walk through busy spaces
  • a dedicated, clearly signed pick-up/drop-off spot.

Peninsula Health volunteer feedback on key spaces

Peninsula Health has a network of more than 700 dedicated volunteers who play an integral part in supporting patient care and enhancing the experience of patients and visitors at Frankston Hospital. The VHBA sought feedback on creating a warm and welcoming environment through targeted consultation with Peninsula Health volunteers.

What we heard:

Indoor spaces

  • dedicated space near the entrance for volunteers to welcome patients and visitors
  • a volunteer desk with chairs and access to a computer
  • space for volunteers to store personal belongings
  • a clean, clear and bright entrance
  • artwork and photos that reflect the history and personality of Frankston
  • smaller waiting areas to help prevent patients from feeling overwhelmed/ anxious
  • clearly defined ‘quiet spaces’ and spaces for people to watch television/talk on the phone
  • specific areas for families with young children, including ways to entertain children
  • access to tea/coffee/water without having to leave waiting areas (in case patient name is called)
  • clear communication/visible indication of wait times (reassurance for patients that they will be seen)
  • balancing public access to spaces with patient/staff security


  • a welcoming and clearly signed main entrance
  • a clearly defined reception area in the entrance foyer
  • consistent signage across different parts of the hospital
  • simple and straightforward signage
  • visual cues such as painted lines to follow
  • support for people with reduced mobility

Outdoor spaces

  • a quiet space where patients and visitors can relax and escape stress
  • seating spaces where you can set down a cup of tea or coffee
  • natural sounds such as cascading water
  • gardens with plenty of plants and trees
  • connection to nearby public spaces
  • level walking paths
  • plenty of shade and shelter from the rain.

Arriving at/departing the hospital

  • clearly lit pathways
  • visible security at night
  • improved signage in car park/from the street
  • more affordable car parking
  • improved public transport links

Key issues

Throughout the consultation process, we heard of some key issues relating to the Frankston Hospital redevelopment – such as car parking and concerns about ease of hospital access during construction – that are important to understand and address. The VHBA will continue to inform the community and stakeholders of activities relating to the design and construction of the redevelopment. Issues will be addressed directly, where possible.

What we heard:

Key issues

  • ability for the hospital to facilitate changing healthcare needs of the community, such as response to pandemics
  • impact of construction on the operation of the existing hospital
  • construction noise
  • traffic impacts during construction
  • adequate and affordable parking
  • poor public transport links
  • ability for the hospital to cope with future population demands, including seasonal population growth.

What we’re doing next

The Project is on track to appoint a successful consortium to design, construct, finance and maintain the Frankston Hospital redevelopment in 2022.

Construction is scheduled to commence soon after, in 2022, with main works expected to be completed in 2025.

The Victorian Government is committed to ongoing engagement with the community and public information sessions are planned for later in 2021 (dependant on COVID-19 restrictions).

The Frankston Hospital redevelopment is a major infrastructure project. The VHBA will work closely with the successful consortium, Peninsula Health and other government departments to minimise disruption to neighbouring residents, schools and businesses.

Frankston Hospital will continue to operate as normal for the duration of the construction.

The project page on the VHBA website and the VHBA social media will continue to be updated regularly as the project progresses. Email newsletter updates will also be distributed to celebrate key milestones.


Supported by targeted social media campaigns and local newspaper advertising, more than 580 contributions have been captured through online consultation and workshops.

Input from the community and stakeholders has provided the Victorian Government with:

  • a clearer understanding of what it means to build a bigger and better hospital for Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula
  • priority ideas and vision around key spaces in the redeveloped hospital
  • ideas and priorities relating to how cultural safety can be realised
  • the issues and concerns that matter to residents of Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula.

The community input and feedback received so far (to April 2021) has been provided to the shortlisted respondents to assist in the development of their proposals to deliver the Frankston Hospital redevelopment.

For more information on visit the Frankston Hospital redevelopment, or contact our project team at fhrproject@health.vic.gov.au.

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