IMAGES: There are two architectural artist impressions of the front view of the Barrabill House design.
TEXT: Seymour Health has received $3.17 million for a new 10-bed aged care wing at Barrabill House.
IMAGES: We see a man wearing a virtual reality headset. The image zooms in to his viewer, which then switches to more artist impressions of the facility – the entrance; hallway and kitchen and lounge areas.
TEXT: Architects transformed plans into virtual reality for a ‘real life’ design experience.
IMAGES: We see a scan across an artist impression of a bedroom in the facility.
TEXT: Staff and community members could ‘walk through’ the facility wearing 3D goggles, and provide architects valuable feedback on the design.
IMAGES: Wide shot of artist impression of a large garden and courtyard area, including a sheltered gazebo. The image then blurs back into 3D goggles worn by a different man in an office, surrounded by others also wearing 3D headsets.
TEXT: This project is part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to provide high quality residential aged care services for older Victorians.
IMAGES: We see a series of artist impressions of the kitchen and lounge area from different angles; and another lounge with fireplace and TV.
TEXT: Construction starts early 2021 and is scheduled for completion by mid-2022.
IMAGES: An artist impression of the facility’s rear section, viewed from the garden courtyard. Victoria State Government/Victorian Health and Human Services Building Authority logos.
End of transcript.