Text: Main works are underway for stage one and two of the Thomas Embling hospital expansion, helping to transform Victoria’s forensic mental health system
IMAGES: montage of an aerial view of a construction site
Text: The landmark project includes
IMAGES: an artist’s impression of the exterior of the facility
Text: a medium-security 48-bed men’s facility
IMAGES: an artist’s impression of a bedroom
Text: new entry facilities and onsite carpark
IMAGES: an artist’s impression of an interior room
Text: and clinical administration facilities
IMAGES: an artist’s impression of a meeting room, followed by a reception area
Text: The expansion is in response to key recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System
IMAGES: montage showing a group of people discussing the floorplans
Text: Co-design with consumers, carers, families, supporters, and staff with lived experience of mental ill-health is at the centre of planning and design
IMAGES: an aerial view of a construction site
Text: It will ensure Victorians with the most significant needs can access mental health services in a secure, contemporary and recovery-focused environment
IMAGE: A screen displays an ‘in partnership with Forensicare’ logo. A sliding transition screen then displays the Victorian Health Building Authority and Victoria State Government logos and the web address vhba.vic.gov.au
End of transcript.