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Hospital based care 14 August 2023

First 14 new mental health beds delivered at Royal Melbourne

The Victorian Government is improving access to mental health services through the Mental Health Beds Expansion Program.

Once complete, 22 new acute mental health beds will help reduce pressure on the Royal Melbourne's busy emergency department.

The new acute mental health beds provide a modern, safe and high-quality setting for people experiencing mental illness to access treatment.

Featuring single rooms with ensuites, treatment and multi-purpose spaces and lounges, the space has been designed to create a safe and welcoming environment.

The project is reaching a major milestone, having:

  • delivered 14 of 22 new acute mental health beds
  • begun refurbishment for delivery of a further eight beds.

The completed Royal Melbourne project will deliver more than 8,000 extra days of care each year. While more than 488 extra people with access to mental health services at the hospital.

The first 14 of the new 22 acute mental health beds at Royal Melbourne Hospital are now complete.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Construction is complete on 14 new beds at the Royal Melbourne Hospital

IMAGES: view into a new mental health bed unit, followed by a view of a large lounge/tv room area

TEXT ON SCREEN: As part of the Mental Health Beds Expansion Program, 22 new beds will be delivered at the hospital

IMAGES: close up of unit bed, followed by a breakout lounge area

TEXT ON SCREEN: The new area features single rooms with ensuites, treatment and multi-purpose spaces and lounges

IMAGES: lounge area with changing colour shades via a ceiling lighting strip, followed by close up of internal green space.

TEXT ON SCREEN: The new areas have been designed to create a safe and welcoming environment

IMAGES: Door sign reading ‘Sensory Room’, followed by views within the room featuring changing strip lighting, wall projections and a ceiling projection replicating a starry night sky

A final frame displays the Victorian Health Building Authority and Victoria State Government logos plus the url vhba.vic.gov.au

End of transcript.

More mental health beds for all Victorians

The project to deliver new Royal Melbourne mental health beds is part of the Mental Health Beds Expansion Program.

The Victorian Government program is a $801 million investment to deliver 250 new acute public mental health beds.

The new hospital-based beds and services will be located at:

The home-based beds will be delivered by Barwon Health and Orygen Youth Health.

The new acute mental health capacity is being urgently delivered in response to the critical need identified by the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System.

You can learn more about the Mental Health Beds Expansion Program by visiting our dedicated program page.

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Last updated: 14 August 2023