TEXT: It’s been busy on the site of the new Footscray Hospital.
IMAGES: Footage shows an aerial drone shot of the construction site.
TEXT: The workforce is growing with more than 500 construction workers now on the site.
IMAGES: An aerial close-up of construction work as seen from the top of a large crane.
TEXT: Bulk earthworks are now complete with over 360,000 cubic metres of rock and dirt removed.
IMAGES: A digger scoops a mound of dirt on the site and dumps it into a truck.
TEXT: The foundations are now laid paving the way for the structure to start emerging from the ground.
IMAGES: Time lapse footage shows multiple concrete pours happening across the site, followed by an aerial shot moving across the site.
TEXT: Your new Footscray Hospital is set to open in 2025.
IMAGES: The final shot shows the construction site from the air as the drone flies westerly across the site.
IMAGES: The closing slide is the Victorian Health Building Authority logo, the web address vhba.vic.gov.au and the Victorian Government logo.
End of transcript.