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Alcohol and other drugs 07 June 2022

Infrastructure upgrades for Victorian mental health and alcohol and drug services

Thirty-one Victorian mental healthcare and alcohol and drug services will share $20 million in funding from the latest round of the Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Facility Renewal Fund.

The Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Facility Renewal Fund was established in 2015. The fund improves access to modernised, high quality mental health, wellbeing and alcohol and drug treatment, care and support.

The latest round of funding will deliver 45 projects across the state.

Projects include:

  • upgrading telehealth infrastructure
  • facility expansions
  • new counselling and clinical areas
  • waiting rooms
  • building and bedroom refurbishment works.

Albury Wodonga Health will receive $997,400 to renovate resident accommodation buildings. The funding will deliver new activity and communal spaces, purpose-built for quiet one-on-one assessment, intervention and group activities.

The Living Room Primary Health Service in Melbourne will receive $500,000. This will go towards refurbishing the facility's triage, clinical and drop in areas and alcohol and other drug counselling and therapeutic rooms.

In Warrnambool, $124,500 is being invested to expand group work rooms and add a resource library at the Western Region Alcohol and Drug Centre.

To date, the program has funded more than 150 infrastructure and improvement projects at mental health and alcohol and other drug care facilities across the state.

Learn more about the Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Facilities Renewal Fund via our dedicated program page.

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Last updated: 07 June 2022