Voiceover: The Victorian Government has committed over 900 million dollars to deliver a new Melton Hospital
Images: An animation of a planning document for the new Melton Hospital.
Voiceover: and planning is well underway.
Images: Animation of planners both on site and in the office, with text ‘Services/Master Planning’.
Voiceover: To help shape the project,
Images: Animation of a Business Case and calendar with text ‘Business Case’ and ‘Hospital funded in State Budget 2022/23’.
Voiceover: We're now calling on locals to have their say by joining the new Melton Hospital Community Consultative Committee.
Images: Animation of people conversing at a community engagement event, and inside a community facility, with text ‘Community Engagement’ and ‘New Melton Hospital Community Consultative Committee’.
Voiceover: The committee will ensure local voices and ideas are heard to inform the ongoing planning of the new Melton Hospital.
Images: Animation of the Committee at a round table and whiteboard discussing plans and designs.
Voiceover: Victoria's first fully-electric hospital, the new Melton Hospital will include
Images: Artist impression of the new hospital, flanked by animated solar panels and a powerboard.
Voiceover: a 24-hour emergency department, more than 100 medical and surgical beds, an intensive care unit,
Images: Montage of animations depicting paramedics with a patient; doctor talking to child patient with his parents; intensive care unit;
Voiceover: maternity and neonatal services, mental health services, radiology services and ambulatory care.
Images: Montage of animations depicting a male pushing his partner in a wheelchair holding a new baby; two people talking on a park bench; patient and doctor looking at an x-ray; nurse assisting older patient with a walker.
Voiceover: Expressions of interest to join the committee are now open. Visit the Victorian Health Building Authority website to apply.
Images: Animation of a person looking at the expression of interest application on their home computer.
The closing slide is the Victorian Health Building Authority logo, the web address vhba.vic.gov.au and the Victorian Government logo.