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Grant allocation 21 October 2024

Latest mental health grant funding revealed

Eighteen health services will share in grants from the Community Mental Health Expansion Program and Mental Health Capital Renewal Fund.

Expansions for community mental health services

Seven health services will receive funding through the latest round of the Community Mental Health Expansion Program.

What is the funding for?

The $33.4 million program provides funding to expand the capacity of our community mental health services. It supports recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System.

The program aims to boost the capacity of community-based mental health services. This helps to provide an alternative to in-patient treatment in the public hospital system. The program includes fit-out works and renovations to both existing and new spaces.

Supporting vital mental health services

Some of the projects supported include:

  • $6 million for the extension and refurbishment of Peninsula Health's Yuille Street Mental Health Hub. The upgrade will enhance the delivery of infant, child, and youth community mental health services. It will increase capacity as part of statewide reform efforts.
  • $6 million for upgrades at Western Health's Harvester Clinic in Sunshine. This will include creating more workstations and building a consumer-centred environment. The works will increase the clinic's operational capacity.

About the Community Mental Health Expansion Program

The program is dedicated to boosting capacity. It achieves this by:

  • addressing the critical need for appropriate accommodation for those dealing with mental ill-health
  • improving service efficiency to better address demand pressures and reduce waiting times.

This means more individuals dealing with mental ill-health can have access to care.

Learn more about the Community Mental Health Expansion Program.

More mental health facility upgrades

Eleven health services have been granted $10 million in funding through the latest round of the Mental Health Capital Renewal Fund.

What is the funding for?

The Mental Health Capital Renewal Fund provides funding to mental health facilities across Victoria.

The fund responds directly to recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System. It aims to address physical safety and wellbeing risks in Victoria's mental health facilities.

The latest funding will support the delivery of minor infrastructure works. This includes remodelling and refurbishment projects. The works will improve safety for carers, consumers and staff.

Supporting vital mental health services

Some of the projects supported include:

  • $1 million to refurbish the Monash Health's Doveton Community Care Unit
  • $1 million to upgrade the Austin Hospital's Acute Psychiatric Unit
  • $994,000 to refurbish the Mental Health Inpatient Ward at the Northern Hospital
  • $204,330 towards safety upgrades and refurbishments at Cohealth's Youth Residential Recovery facility in St Albans, including bathroom renovations and replacement of fixtures.

About the Mental Health Capital Renewal Fund

The fund was created to help our mental health workforce deliver care in the best possible facilities for consumers, carers and visitors.

Projects eligible for funding include:

  • renewals
  • reconfigurations
  • refurbishments.

The upgrades are designed to improve staff, consumer, and carer safety. They also aim to increase quality and efficiency of services and enhance consumer experience.

The fund is now worth $60 million. This is thanks to a $10 million boost from the State Budget 2024-25.

Learn more about the Mental Health Capital Renewal Fund.

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Last updated: 21 October 2024