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Hospital based care 29 November 2023

Mental Health Capital Renewal Fund open for submissions

The $10 million Mental Health Capital Renewal Fund is now open.

The fund will help existing mental health and support agencies to provide better facilities for staff, consumers, carers, and visitors.

Grants between $10,000 and $1 million will be available for renewal, reconfigurations, and refurbishments to health facilities.

These will help increase safety, quality, and efficiency of services, and improve consumer choice, all while supporting people on their mental health recovery journey.

Submissions for the 2023-24 Mental Health Renewal Fund opened on 29 November and close 5 February 2024. Recipients will be announced April 2024.


We encourage interested health services and agencies to visit the Mental Health Capital Renewal Fund program page to learn about:

  • eligibility criteria
  • guidelines
  • how to apply.

All submissions must be made online via SmartyGrants.

Submissions close at 5.00pm on Monday 5 February 2024.

About the fund

The Mental Health Capital Renewal Fund responds directly to recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System. It aims to address physical safety and wellbeing risks in Victoria's mental health facilities.

Projects funded through the Victorian Government's Mental Health Capital Renewal Fund are administered by the Victorian Health Building Authority (VHBA) and delivered by the publicly funded health service provider.

Find out more about the Mental Health Capital Renewal Fund.

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