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Technical guidelines 28 March 2019

New planning guideline for alcohol and other drug residential rehabilitation facilities

Please note: As of 1 February 2021, the Victorian Health and Human Services Building Authority (VHHSBA) became the Victorian Health Building Authority (VHBA).


The Victorian Health and Human Services Building Authority has released the Alcohol and other drug residential rehabilitation facility Part B: Health facility briefing and planning guideline.

This guideline outlines the requirements for the planning and design of private and shared resident areas, alongside sections designated for clinical and staff functions. The guideline was developed by, and for, project staff, architects, planners, engineers, project managers and consultants. Importantly, the guideline considered the needs of service users with client input significantly contributing to the outcome.

“Good design plays a significant role in the efficient delivery of high-quality health care. Well-documented research shows that better buildings lead to better health outcomes. Well-designed spaces have been able to demonstrate improved patient recovery times, improved morale, increased staff efficiency and reduced staff turnover.”

The Office of the Victorian Government Architect (OVGA)

Residential rehabilitation provides a safe and supportive environment for people to develop skills to cope with and address underlying issues leading to their alcohol and other drug use in a structured residential setting.

The units are typically located in a community residential setting and provide 24-hour care and support for people who have been through withdrawal or stabilisation and need to continue their treatment via residential rehabilitation.

Alcohol and other drug residential rehabilitation facilities use a mix of therapeutic models, treatment intensity and length of stay.

This Alcohol and other drug residential rehabilitation facility Part B: Health facility briefing and planning guideline must be read in conjunction with generic requirements and standard components as described in Parts A, B, C and D of the Australasian Health Facility Guidelines.

Learn more about VHHSBA’s design guidelines via our technical guidelines page.

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