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Video story: Sunshine Hospital’s new emergency department
Families in Melbourne’s western suburbs now receive faster access to emergency care, with the first stage of Sunshine Hospital’s $34.9 million emergency department redevelopment completed in March 2021.
The project has so far added 55 spaces, more than doubling current capacity, and includes:
- a medical imaging suite
- a new paediatric unit for children needing urgent care
- an expanded administration area
- upgraded staff amenities.
Take a video tour through the new department with those who know it best, the people who work there.
Learn more about the Sunshine Hospital emergency department redevelopment via our dedicated project page.
Sunshine Hospital emergency department complete
Video transcript
IMAGES: slow motion aerial visuals of Sunshine emergency department
Onscreen text: The $34.9 million redevelopment of Sunshine Hospital’s emergency department is now complete
Voice-over (Natasha Toohey, Executive Director Operations, Western Health): “Living in Sunshine myself, as a child, I have seen generations that are still here and still part of this community but there are many new families in the area.”
IMAGES: slow motion visuals of building signage ‘Western Health Sunshine Hospital’ and pan along the frontage of the new emergency department
Voice-over (Louise Cooke, Nurse Unit Manager, Sunshine Hospital ED): “I’ve lived in Sunshine for twenty years and I think what keeps me here is the diversity. We see patients from birth to - to old age. We see marginal groups that are new to Australia and we see the established cultural networks that are in Sunshine.”
IMAGES: visuals of staff walking through the emergency department and of another staff member walking into the resus bay. Visuals of a staff member tending to a child patient in a hospital bed, followed by aerial footage of the outside of the emergency department building
Voice-over (Lucia Le-Kim, Deputy Medical Director, Sunshine Hospital ED: “It’s a really exciting part of Melbourne and I think, with it, brings a lot of challenges, a lot of demand for the health service.”
IMAGES: visuals of a nurse taking a male patient’s blood pressure and visuals of a blood pressure monitor
Voice-over (Natasha Toohey): “Two years ago, we had 85,000 patients come to our emergency department. There was a day last week, where we had 262 people in on one day. Some very busy department.”
IMAGES: aerial footage of the outside of the emergency department building
Voice-over (Louise Cooke): “We provide the most amazing care and now, to have a department that’s double the size so we can deliver care to the most vulnerable, those in crisis, in a state-of-the art environment is just wonderful.”
IMAGES: visuals of a ward with treatment chairs
Voice-over (Lucia Le-Kim): “So, it’s the obvious. Increase in space and the ability to look after patients and the points of care. I think there’s some key features in this development.”
Text on screen: Purpose-built children’s emergency department
Voice-over (Natasha Toohey): “Children will be going in through a different space to where our adult clients go.”
IMAGES: visuals of the entrance to the adult section and visuals of the children’s section of the emergency department
Voice-over (Louise Cooke): “It’s purpose-built. The decal on it is gorgeous. Ultimately, fear is probably one of the biggest elements when treating kids.”
IMAGES: visuals of the emergency department entrance and visuals of a kids’ emergency department room
Voice-over (Natasha Toohey): “It’s a pretty daunting time. It’s pretty scary and to know that they can go into their own purpose-built area will make a big difference.”
Text on screen: Triage
IMAGES: visuals of the Adult Fast Track ward
Voice-over (Louise Cooke): “This area is – as its expanded, it has a lot of treatment rooms out the front, so we can start front of house medicine. We can treat patients and screen patients from the time they walk in the door. Not only will that improve access and flow, it will also improve the length of stay and patient satisfaction. We can have results for those patients before they’re even in the department.”
Text on screen: Short Stay Unit
Voice-over (Natasha Toohey): “Within the emergency department, we have what’s referred to as a short stay unit. Well, within that, we’ve built four flex beds and those beds can be cordoned off, which means that we can also have, for our children, a short stay option and we can close and separate that from the adult part.”
IMAGES: visuals of the lift foyer in the emergency department and visuals of the outside of the building.
Text on screen: Staff facilities
Voice-over (Natasha Toohey): “We really have worked very closely with our community in the design of this emergency department. As well as having a third floor, which is purely dedicated to our staff, where they can have meetings, where they can do simulation exercises, as part of their training, or they can have a quiet time.”
IMAGES: visuals of third floor staff areas
Voice-over (Lucia Le-Kim): “I think it’s really comforting for staff and it’s really important for their wellbeing.”
IMAGES: visuals of the inside entrance of the hospital
Voice-over (Natasha Toohey): “From the minute you walk into the environment, it certainly doesn’t feel like a hospital to me. There’s lots of elements that feel much more like a modern home or a modern office environment. There is so much natural light here. It would be beneficial for staff and anyone that needs to come to our ED.”
IMAGES: visuals of aerial vision of the emergency department building
A sliding transition screen then displays the Victorian Government logo and Victorian Health Building Authority logo and web address vhba.vic.gov.au
End of transcript.
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