Text on screen: Construction is progressing on the next stage of the Latrobe Regional Hospital expansion
IMAGES: A wide panoramic aerial shot of the Latrobe Hospital, carpark and surrounds. To the left of the hospital, a large area is shaded in blue and denotes where the expansion will take place.
Text on screen: The $217 million project will help to meet growing demands in the Gippsland region
IMAGES: An artist impression of an aerial shot of the completed hospital expansion, followed by a map locating the hospital within the Gippsland region.
IMAGES: The blue outlined expansion area is tagged, showing its location relative to the existing hospital. A lifelike animation depicts what a section of the exterior of the finished facility will look like, followed by another aerial artist impression of the completed expansion.
Text on screen: It includes 44 inpatient beds, six intensive care unit beds, three operating suites, a new emergency department resuscitation bay and carparking
IMAGES: An artist animation depicts an exterior garden and walkway.
Text on screen: Maternity services are also being expanded with new birthing suites, maternity beds, special care nursery cots and a kids play area
IMAGES: The following artist animations show the hospital atrium and an internal lounge area with a young family.
Text on screen: The project is expected to create around 600 construction jobs and is on track to be completed in 2023
IMAGES: An artist animation shows an interior waiting area and children’s play area. The closing shot shows again the panoramic view of the hospital, the carpark and the areas to be expanded in blue shading.
IMAGES: The closing slide is the Victorian Health Building Authority logo, the web address vhba.vic.gov.au and the Victorian Government logo.
End of transcript.