Text on screen: Youth Prevention and Recovery Care (YPARC) centres. Supporting young people experiencing mental health challenges. Big Plans – full scale floor plans – Ballarat YPARC centre.
Images: timelapse footage of people reviewing life-size floor plans
Text on screen: The Victorian Government is investing $141 million to deliver five new and three upgraded YPARC centres across the state
Images: montage of people reviewing life-size floor plans
Transition slide: The importance of co-design
Images: Mark Thornett, Director of Mental Health, Grampians Health speaks to the camera; footage of people reviewing life-size floor plans
Voiceover: Co-design is really important because at the end of the day, we as clinicians and service personnel don't really work or, or live in the facility and are not necessarily receiving that treatment.
Images: Laura, Consumer, Lived Experience, speaks to the camera; footage of people reviewing life-size floor plans
Voiceover: I think I'm a youth that was tired of other people telling me what to do and what would be best for me. And I think the whole importance of co-design is that everyone is listening to everybody.
Images: Hannah Moroney, Child and Youth Consultant, Grampians Health, speaks to the camera; footage of people reviewing life-size floor plans
Voiceover: Young people are definitely keen to be heard and engaged if they're respected.
Images: footage of people reviewing life-size floor plans; Ursh, Consumer, Lived Experience, speaks to the camera
Voiceover: Everyone who is working on this, are a lot older than the people who would be going into the YPARC. I think it's just really important because we have very different views.
Images: footage of people reviewing life-size floor plans; Ursh, Consumer, Lived Experience, speaks to the camera
Voiceover: It's not tokenistic. We're hearing from a range of stakeholders. You're having the designers have their voice, you have a lived experience voice, you've got everyone's voice coming together to come up with a plan that's gonna be beneficial to the youth.
Images: Mark Thornett, Director of Mental Health, Grampians Health speaks to the camera; footage of people reviewing life-size floor plans
Voiceover: For us to listen to them and actually have that collaborative approach, we'll definitely end up with better outcomes and better systems into the future.
Images: Hannah Moroney, Child and Youth Consultant, Grampians Health, speaks to the camera; footage of people reviewing life-size floor plans
Voiceover: We don't just design it and then it's done. It's evolving, a new model of care.
Transition slide: How co-design has shaped the design
Images: Montage of Laura, Consumer, Lived Experience, speaking to the camera, Ursh, Consumer, Lived Experience, speaking to the camera and footage of people reviewing life-size floor plans
Voiceover: there wouldn't really necessarily be a use for two family spaces. We were like, I don't think that's needed, we could use that space as a multifaith room. When we consulted the other youth, they really wanted a multifaith room and the plan didn't have one. So we kind of halved an interview room and allowed for a multifaith room to be in there. And we were also able to make our sensory room bigger, which is a huge thing because the sensory room is really important.
Images: Montage of Mark Thornett, Director of Mental Health, Grampians Health speaking to the camera, Hannah Moroney, Child and Youth Consultant, Grampians Health, speaking to the camera and footage of people reviewing life-size floor plans
Voiceover: And they made that connection to say this would work better. And at the end of the day we said that absolutely, it makes sense. That has now been included in the design. When we were able to go back to the young people and say, this is the idea that you put on the table and this has happened, they felt that the engagement really was genuine and that their ideas mattered.
I think it's really about the things that are important for them because they feel they've actually contributed to the development. Then they're more likely to engage in the work, engage in the program, so therefore the outcomes are better.
Images: Laura, Consumer, Lived Experience, speaking to the camera; footage of people reviewing life-size floor plans
Voiceover: It's surprised me this project and how much they actually want to listen to you. In the past in other projects, you do get tired of expressing your voice and not being heard. In this project, they actually are listening to lived experience, voice and the youth.
Text on screen: Through design we are: creating welcoming, home-like environments; supporting youth mental health in partnership with Grampians Health
Images: timelapse footage of people reviewing life-size floor plans
Images: A screen displays an ‘in partnership with Grampians Health’ logo. A sliding transition screen then displays the Victorian Health Building Authority and Victoria State Government logos and the web address vhba.vic.gov.au
End of transcript.