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Hospitals 15 December 2021

VHBA In Brief: Community news December 2021

Welcome to the second edition of VHBA In Brief

In this edition, we are celebrating the end of 2021 and the more than 120 projects we are delivering to support the health and wellbeing of Victorians. We also explore universal design, designing for dementia and designing facilities that support Victorians who are experiencing mental ill health.

It’s been a challenging year, but now it’s time to enjoy the festive season with loved ones. We wish you a safe and happy holiday season!

You can subscribe to our mailing list to keep up to date on our announcements, project updates.

The year in review

Over the past 12 months we’ve made great progress on a broad range of health infrastructure projects, including completion of some of our biggest redevelopments.

We take a look at some of the highlights from our health, mental health and aged care portfolios in 2021.


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Universal design: Putting people first

Universal design means designing something so that it’s accessible to as many people as possible – regardless of age, disability, gender or cultural background. In health infrastructure, universal design means building hospitals, mental health facilities and aged care homes that everyone can use.

In recognition of Human Rights Day, we spoke to Michael Walker, Principal Advisor on Universal Design at VHBA, about designing buildings that put people first.


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Health highlights

Learn more about the health infrastructure projects we are delivering.

Virtual engagement room opens for the new Footscray Hospital

We’re excited to launch a virtual engagement room for the new Footscray Hospital! Community members are invited to ‘meet the builder’ and learn more about the design and construction of the $1.5 billion new hospital – the largest ever health infrastructure investment in the state.

Visitors to the virtual room can explore interviews with the builders and experience a 3D tour of the final designs, from their comfort of their home.

A virtual environment in which a man watches a video onscreen

New Footscray Hospital virtual engagement room

Located on the corner of Geelong and Ballarat Roads, the new Footscray Hospital will support the increasing demand from Melbourne’s booming western suburbs, ensuring families can get the care they need close to home.

Building a bigger and better Footscray Hospital will cut wait times and reduce pressure on nearby hospitals. With an increase of nearly 200 beds, the new hospital will treat approximately 15,000 additional patients and enable around 20,000 additional people to be seen by the emergency department each year.

Wonthaggi Hospital structural works complete

It’s been a busy year on the Bass Coast, with structural works now complete on the $115 million expansion of Wonthaggi Hospital. The project is on track to be completed in the first half of 2023.

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Designs released and construction underway for Bendigo Hospital Rehabilitation Centre

We’ve released designs and completed early works on the Bendigo Hospital Day Rehabilitation Centre project, bringing the $59.5 million project one step closer. On track to be completed in mid-2023, the project will construct a new hydrotherapy pool and consolidate rehabilitation services into one convenient location.

See the designs

Artist's impression of the new hydrotherapy pool at Bendigo Hospital Day Rehabilitation Centre

Artist's impression of Bendigo Hospital Day Rehabilitation Centre

Mental health highlights

Learn more about how we are responding to recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System.

Our mental health facilities explained

Each year, one in five Victorians will experience mental ill health or psychological distress. Sometimes these challenges to mental health are eased with time and some level of support. At other times, people need more specialised treatment and support.

We took a look at some of the different mental health facilities we’re delivering, and how they’ll support Victorians experiencing mental ill health or psychological distress on their recovery journey.

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Artist's impression of a courtyard area with lawns, flowers and people doing yoga

Artist's impression of park at Royal Melbourne Hospital mental health facility

Locations announced for new youth prevention and recovery care centres

Locations for five new Youth Prevention and Recovery Care (YPARC) centres across Victoria have been announced. The $141 million project will build five new 10-bed facilities located in Greater Geelong, Greater Ballarat, Greater Shepparton, Heidelberg and Traralgon. 

YPARC centres provide residential short and medium-term treatment and support for young people aged between 16-25, who are living with, or diagnosed with, mental ill health.

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A young man sitting on a window seat

Example of a Youth Prevention and Recovery Care centre

Ageing highlights

Learn about how we are supporting Victorians aged in place and with dignity and respect.

Designing for dementia

How can we design for people with dementia? Dementia-friendly design involves creating environments that are welcoming and meaningful. It uses a flexible approach that maximises people’s freedom and involvement through supportive, familiar and safe surroundings.

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The exterior of Creswick Nursing Home showing dark buildings against a yellow field in the foreground

Dementia-friendly design at Creswick Nursing Home

Main structural works complete on Wantirna’s new residential aged care facility

We reached a significant construction milestone on the $81.58 million Wantirna residential aged care facility, with the main structural works now complete. The four-storey residential aged care facility will be home to 120 residents, each enjoying the dignity and independence of their own private bedroom, complete with ensuites.

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Illustration of community members engaging with a VHBA project

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