Welcome to VHBA In Brief
In this issue learn more about our projects and recent announcements including:
- more than $100 million to upgrade health services across the state
- an update on the new hospital we’re building in Melton
- a Victorian-first women’s mental health centre opens in the west
- how we’re designing sustainably
- working with us – industry opportunities.
Subscribe to our mailing list to keep up to date on our announcements and project updates.
More than $100m to upgrade health services
Medical equipment and engineering infrastructure
Twenty-eight health services across Victoria are sharing $85 million in funding to upgrade or replace vital medical equipment and engineering infrastructure
Cutting-edge equipment funded as part of the Medical Equipment Replacement Program includes CT scanners and digital x-ray units.
Generators, lifts and emergency lighting upgrades will be funded through the Engineering Infrastructure Replacement Program.
Find out more about what the Medical Equipment Replacement Program and Engineering Infrastructure Replacement Program will deliver.
Surgical equipment
Thirty-five health services are sharing $20.25 million in funding from the Surgical Equipment Innovation Fund.
The funding will upgrade and replace 178 items of medical equipment at busy hospitals across the state.
From Melbourne to Ballarat and Shepparton to the Bass Coast, the Fund was established to ensure health services can upgrade their surgical equipment and diagnostic machines with the latest technology to help get more patients into surgery.
Learn more about the Surgical Equipment Innovation Fund.

In the spotlight
Building a new hospital for Melton
The Victorian Government has committed more than $900 million to deliver a new Melton Hospital in Cobblebank, transforming the outer west.
The fully electric hospital will deliver 24/7 emergency, at least 274 beds, an intensive care unit, maternity and neonatal services, mental health services, radiology services and outpatient care.
Once completed, the new Melton Hospital will have capacity to treat 130,000 patients each year and see almost 60,000 patients in the emergency department.
See how we’re building your new Melton Hospital
- Take our survey by 16 October
- Attend a community information session on 6 or 8 October
- Major infrastructure: Sign up for our industry briefing on 6 October
Women’s mental health centre opens
Women in Melbourne’s western suburbs now have better access to mental health support with a Victorian-first centre now open.
The new $8.4 million North West Women’s Prevention and Recovery Care centre (WPARC) is open, providing vital mental health services.
It is the first purpose-built WPARC where women can stay with dependent children.
The centre provides short-term mental health care and will help up to 150 women each year receive treatment in a safe and welcoming environment.
Wantirna residential aged care facility opens
The new $81.58 million Wantirna residential aged care facility is now complete.
The four-storey facility will provide 120 older Victorians with a safe, modern and comfortable place to call home. Every resident will enjoy the dignity and independence of their own private bedroom, complete with ensuite bathroom.
Project pulse
See our latest milestones:
- Ballarat Base Hospital: designs revealed
- Ararat, Inglewood Rochester ambulance branches: construction begins
- Geelong McKellar Mental Health and Wellbeing Centre: now open
- Bendigo, Dandenong and Frankston youth mental health facility upgrades: first look
- Cheltenham Kingston Centre residential aged care facility: designs released
In case you missed it
Recently published:
- Rutherglen Residential Aged Care Development – Main Works – Expression of Interest (closing 13 October 2022)
- Camperdown Residential Aged Care Development – Main Works (closing 24 November 2022)
We encourage suppliers to register on Buying for Victoria (tenders.vic.gov.au) and the Industry Capability Network (ICN Gateway) to view VHBA offers to supply. Find out more about VHBA procurement.
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Stay up-to-date on our announcements and health, mental heath and ageing projects by signing up to our online newsletters.
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