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Rural Residential Aged Care Facilities Renewal Program

The Rural Residential Aged Care Facilities Renewal Program is valued at $10 million overall. The fund enables rural and regional residential aged care services across Victoria to invest in modern infrastructure and equipment.

Established in 2020 as part of the State Budget 2020-21, the program is part of the government’s commitment to improving aged care services for all Victorians, no matter where they live.

It also helps to meet growing demand for residential aged care in regional and rural Victoria and ensure facilities are built to contemporary standards.

What’s new?

Fund recipients announced

Twenty-one public sector aged care services are to share in $10 million under for the 2020-21 Rural Residential Aged Care Facilities Renewal Program.

The program provides funding for construction, remodelling, refurbishment and repairs, safety improvements, amenity, and infection prevention and control measures. The program has also funded equipment upgrades including standalone furniture, fittings, medical equipment, and engineering infrastructure.

Fund recipients are listed under the ‘Rural Residential Aged Care Facilities Renewal Program projects’ section further down this page.









The 2020-21 Rural Residential Aged Care Facilities Renewal Program is available to eligible public sector residential aged care services in regional and rural Victoria to:

  • enhance infection control procedures
  • ensure compliance with current Commonwealth regulatory requirements
  • redesign models of care to cater to increasing populations and changing age profiles
  • enhance the quality and amenity of facilities for residents and staff
  • undertake major refurbishments, repairs and replacements of buildings
  • increase service capacity
  • increase safety of services.

The $10 million Rural Residential Aged Care Facilities Renewal Program aims to achieve the following benefits:

Care closer to home

The fund will support improvements to rural residential aged care services, enabling rural and regional Victorians access to quality healthcare. This means people can access appropriate residential aged care services that meet their needs, such as a dementia-friendly facility.

Support growing demand

Victoria is the fastest-growing state in Australia. This new funding program will help meet growing demand in regional and rural Victoria by upgrading infrastructure, equipment and facilities to deliver contemporary and appropriate models of care. These new or redeveloped facilities will support more patients to access care locally.

Regulatory compliance

The fund enables facilities to implement improvements to comply with federal and state standards and guidelines. Funding will also ensure community expectations for rural and regional residential aged care are met and that facilities are built to contemporary standards.

Stronger local economies

Construction and upgrades of rural residential aged care facilities provide opportunities for local trades and businesses to undertake project-based work. The expansion of rural and regional residential aged care services can also provide ongoing employment opportunities for medical and healthcare professionals and create employment pathways for younger generations. The fund can help contribute to the economic viability of rural and regional communities and aims to improve liveability now, and into the future.

Submissions for the Rural Residential Aged Care Facilities Renewal Program opened on 27 January 2021 and closed on 9 March 2021. 

Need help?

For assistance regarding the funding program please email psracs@health.vic.gov.au.

More information

Additional documentation to guide and support applications can be found in the ‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of this page:

  • Rural Residential Aged Care Facilities Renewal Program- Guidelines
  • frequently asked questions
  • lifecycle costing template

Projects funded through the Victorian Government’s Rural Residential Aged Care Renewal Program are administered by the Victorian Health Building Authority and delivered by the public funded aged care service provider.

Rural Residential Aged Care Facilities Renewal Program projects

Rural Residential Aged Care Facilities Renewal Program projects

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Rural Residential Aged Care Facilities Renewal Program projects

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01 October 2021

Recipients announced: Rural Residential Aged Care Facilities Renewal Progra...

Twenty-one public sector aged care services will share $10 million in funding from the Rural Residential Aged Care Facilities Renewal Program.

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