IMAGES: Various aerial views of the new Wonthaggi Hospital expansion
ONSCREEN TEXT: The Victorian Health Building Authority is committed to working with locals to ensure any new hospital meets their needs, and is an asset they can be proud of.
IMAGES: Bass Coast Health CEO Jan Child standing and talking within a new operating theatre of the hospital, followed by aerial views of the expansion.
VOICEOVER: For a rural community like ours the hospital is a beacon of hope. We are such a part of the community. People come here to give birth, they come here to die, and they get all of their care in between.
IMAGES: View of the operating theatre, followed by Jan Child and a Community Consultation Committee member walking through a corridor.
ONSCREEN TEXT: The $115 million Wonthaggi Hospital expansion project doubled surgery capacity and delivered three new operating theatres plus a procedure room.
VOICEOVER: It's really important for a community hospital like ours to actually have community input. I've not ever felt a community own its hospital like this community owns its hospital.
IMAGES: The CEO and community member look across at inpatient units from a staff station, followed by community member speaking within the operating theatre.
VOICEOVER: On a couple of occasions I've been a consumer myself here. So I'm in a good position to speak about the level of care etcetera.
IMAGES: The CEO and community member are speaking within the operating theatre, followed by a view of an inpatient unit.
VOICEOVER: Consumers would sit around the table with us and say 'actually have you thought about this or what about this?' and they bring a different perspective.
VOICEOVER: I'm an elderly man. I have great grandsons, little tiddlers. All of us rely on this place to look after us.
ONSCREEN TEXT: The new emergency department has 18 extra treatment spaces for treating 26,000 more emergency patients every year
IMAGES: Close up of operating theatre equipment, followed by the CEO and community member talking as they walk through a hospital corridor
VOICEOVER: We couldn't have built this hospital without their support and their input.
VOICEOVER: The contributions that we were making seemed to trigger interest from the architects and engineers.
IMAGES: The CEO standing and talking within a new operating theatre of the hospital, followed by close ups of equipment
VOICEOVER: The end product is not just going to work for staff but it's going to take into account the patient's needs, the family members’ needs.
IMAGES: Street level view of the entrance and emergency entrance to Wonthaggi Hospital, followed by an aerial view of the expansion
VOICEOVER: It was done by professionals who said 'What do you need us to do for the comfort, dignity and safety of you?'
VOICEOVER: The wisdom and the intellect that the community members and consumers bring to projects like these is gold.
ONSCREEN TEXT: The first stage was completed in November 2022
IMAGES: The closing slide contains the Victorian Health Building Authority and the Victorian State Government logos, plus the url
>> End of transcript.