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Technical guidelines 11 March 2020

Masterplanning guidelines

This guideline sets out the objectives of the Victorian Health Building Authority (VHBA) in: 

  • undertaking masterplanning of its current and proposed future service delivery sites
  • the process for undertaking masterplanning
  • the expected outcomes and outputs from a masterplanning study.

Purpose of masterplanning

Plan Melbourne projects that the population of Melbourne will grow from 4.5 million to almost 8 million - with Victoria’s total population set to reach 10 million by 2051. The Victorian government identifies the need to “plan and invest wisely to: cater to the needs of a more diverse and ageing population; break the link between congestion and growth; address housing affordability; mitigate and adapt to climate change; and ensure social and economic opportunities are accessible to all”.

VHBA's role in planning for growth is to ensure that the health infrastructure required to meet the needs of the current and projected future population is in the right place, at the right time and is effective and sustainable. Masterplanning of existing healthcare precincts and sites or potential new sites is key to effective planning.

Last updated: 30 June 2018