2023 progress on the Frankston Hospital redevelopment
It’s been a big year of construction on the $1.1 billion Frankston Hospital redevelopment.
Since works began there has been:
- 1,398 workers inducted onto the site
- 406,459 hours worked
- 13,500 m3 of concrete poured
- 2,500 tonnes of steel installed
- 274 precast panels installed.
We also finished the piling, excavation and basement works in 2023.
Watch how your bigger, better Frankston Hospital has taken shape this year.
2023 construction progress on the Frankston Hospital redevelopment
Accessible video transcript
Text on screen: What a difference a year makes
Text on screen: This video includes construction footage that has been sped up
Images: Montage of aerial views of the construction site over time
Text on screen: Over 2023 the Frankston Hospital redevelopment site has transformed
Images: aerial shots from directly above the site – first from early earth works and then to a more recent view of the site with above ground construction well underway
Text on screen: It started with foundation and basement works
Images: sped up time lapse footage of the early earth works
Text on screen: Now the new tower structure is starting to take shape
Images: sped up time lapse footage of the start of above ground works, followed by an aerial view of the four large cranes on site and the emerging tower
Text on screen: And the multi-deck carpark has almost reached its highest level
Images: aerial view across the site focussing on the carpark structure
Text on screen: Main works on your bigger, better Frankston Hospital are expected to be complete in late 2025
Images: aerial view of the site pulls back to place it in a wider suburban context, followed by an image of the site and four cranes from street level lit up at night.
Images: A white screen appears stating ‘in partnership with’ and the logos for Peninsula Health and Exemplar Health. A sliding transition screen then displays the Victorian Health Building Authority and Victoria State Government logos and the url vhba.vic.gov.au
End of transcript.
Other highlights in 2023
- a tower crane was named in honour of the Pink Ladies – Frankston Hospital’s longest-running volunteer group
- the first cohort of ‘Be Onsite’ trainees graduated after gaining practical experience on the redevelopment
- consumer representatives and hospital staff contributed to the design process and were invited to step into the floorplans
- we popped up at two markets in Frankston and Mornington to chat to the community about the redevelopment
- the project was recognised in the 2023 international Partnership Awards.
Learn more about the Frankston Hospital redevelopment.
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